Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Learning Aims


    In Classroom 16, we have posted our LEARNING AIMS. Two students' job for the week is to read these aloud to the class, 2 or 3 times during the week, and these are discussed in how they have applied to what we have recently done in actual work, or in work that may be upcoming in the day. These Aims are student-friendly language of Learning Objectives promoted as the California Standards for learning at the 4th and 5th Grade level.

    These Aims change or are added to throughout the year.

    Parents are encouraged to periodically look at these Learning Aims with their child, and further discuss them with their child. Ask your child: "What have you done in class recently related to THAT Learning Aim?"


We will learn: respectfully communicate by using: I think, I feel, and I care messages.

    ...various nuances of the meaning of our School Motto: Excellence for all, by all.

    ...Habits of Citizenship and Habits of Scholarship. vocabulary and practice it in Spelling, Reading, Writing, and in conversation. write neatly by forming our letters carefully. use proper punctuation and how and when to indent paragraphs.



    We measure with precision.

    We orient ourselves in the world with maps, and data about countries and our 50 States.

    We read aloud with expression!.